It was in 1984 that the Gallitelli family’s adventure into vending began, springing from an idea of Giuseppe’s. Their first historic acquisition was made in the era of freeze-dried coffee, with the arrival on the market of the first ‘Saeco Superautomatic’ coffee machine, which was capable of grinding beans which had just been freshly roasted. At this dawn of automatic distribution, the price of a coffee was still 400 old lira…
…and it was in these first stages that Luigi and Marco took their first steps into the world of vending machines, with enthusiastic assistance from their father Peppino. The years passed, and after a decade in the vending sector Giuseppe decided to begin a new venture in parallel with these automatic distribution activities.
So in 1999, the ‘Torrefazione di Gallitelli Marco & c. s.a.s.’ roasting business was formed, with the idea of making the precious ‘highbrow drink’ for resale via its own automatic vending machines. Motivated by a strong passion for roasting, Giuseppe set about transforming the raw material and giving life to ever more sophisticated blends of arabica and robusta coffee, combining craftsmanship with technological progress and covering the entire supply chain ending with direct sales from an ever-increasing number of bars. From this moment on, two different production chains existed within the Galitelli family Group. On the one side was the refining of ever more innovative techniques for producing coffee, and on the other side the vending arm continued its evolutionary growth.
In April 2015, following huge growth in all aspects of production, Torrefazione di Gallitelli Marco & c. s.a.s. changed its organisational and legal character and formed itself into a limited liability company, Gallitelli Caffè s.r.l.
Our business mission is clear: to continue our evolutionary growth as we face the new challenges our customers present us with, aiming at constant improvement in our service and our product, and seeking to satisfy ever higher expectations. Our greatest satisfaction is in making your coffee break a unique experience.